
get some mean black raffia & then placed it in a bag. Later that

Christmas gag gifts are one the best treats for everyone with a sense of humor. However you choose, these gifts can offer fun and laughter for the occasion and for the recipients. Still , these types of gifts are fun and easy on your pockets. Christmas gag gifts can put a smile on the reciepients face with the laughter is will bring. They serve as great alternatives for grand kinds of gifts.

Great and fun concepts are sometimes added with these gifts particularly if the creator would like to create the gifts with some personalization. Read more of this article and get to grasp the different concepts that you can suffer for your own creation of gag gifts.

Dammit Dolls are great examples of Christmas gag gifts. It is really fun and easy to to create. It is done with the employment of pattern where all areas are done very wide for object stuffing. The stuffing can be done by hand stitching or with the employment of a stitching machine. Another great concept of Christmas gag gifts is the Doggie Poop made form wax or soap. A reindeer or snowman poop can be great as well particularly if the occasion is Christmas vacation.

This could be done with using microwave oven either softening the wax or soap then pouring the liquified wax or soap from any of the local craft store. A mold online may also be purchased. This sort of gag gift can be furnished with a funny or sweet poem for the recipient. For old people or old people, the best Christmas gag gifts for them are fake teeth stuff or canes. These are definitely a hit for them. A stray hat gag gift is also great.

To do that, get some mean black raffia & then placed it in a bag. Later that, add a tag on it saying "straw hat - assembly required". Another great Christmas gag gifts that you can give to your family are the redneck flick-knife, which can merely through even by children.

The things used to make these presents are glue, wooden spring kind of garments pin, rubber bands and wide popsicle sticks Another creative Christmas gag gifts that you can give are the maxie pad slippers. If you are presenting these gifts to discrete girl, it should be soft and hygienic, with non-slip grip on the soles, with built-in deodorant features, keeps the feet scented fresh, don't bend over to mop up the spills, biodegradable and disposable to be environmentally safe. An all-natural bubble bath set is also best as Christmas gag gifts.

To make this, you may use either a baby food jar or a average baggie that is filled in with some dried beans and labeled with some instructions for the preparation. You may note in the jar or baggie the beans can be eaten an hour before the bathe.


relatives and close ones. The people enjoy the holidays by doing some activities as creating fun

Christmas is a time of full of fun and revelry. It is also a time of jamboree with family and holiday meals. The celebration comes with traditional symbols as Santa, stars and singing carolers. You can also observe during the celebrations, the custom activities as ornaments, gifts, twinkling lights, sleigh rides, hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies. Most interesting things also meet to see during the festival as all retail stores and shopping malls are spruced by Christmas trees, Santa clauses and other seasonal decoration in few week advance. Some communal places are also characteristic recurring enlightenments. At the time of festivities, the people traditionally exchange gifts and greeting cards to convey their spiritual message.

As the coming with promotion of peace, goodwill and compassion, the Christmas is a time to enjoy delicious food with family and friends. As well as previous year, this year also why not create some experiment with Christmas dishes and take some of the merry fury out of your life with seasonal festive menu and plan for Christmas party menus along with friends. It can be a part of your organized party and you can also organize a cookie exchange with someone. You can try to put your efforts to prepare party menus to make your party night memorable that also make this night much amusing moment during the celebration. You must get ideas about seasonal menu and you can feel like festivities in every dish. You can also contact with caterer to make your party much flavored. Plan your party also according to your guests, friends and loved ones. .

During this merry time, having a party theme can be perfect tradition. The themes are enormously essential for party and it adds to our party much fervor. You can create a little ambiance to where you can hold your Christmas party. The ideas about Christmas party themes help you draw collectively a Christmas party not issues your finances. If you are planning to party with friends or for offices, party themes can set your rendezvous separately from all the other feast events. You can also get ideas about theme for kids. The party theme also create workshop for Santa. You can also look for Santa theme, medieval theme, carnival theme, Christmas movie theme, Christmas tree theme, music party theme etc that might make your party much fanatical.

Christmas is almost come closer and most people already planning to rejoice this merry events. People generally are ready to enjoy their Christmas party eve with some unique planning. The eve is a time to gather with family or friends and for also get taste of festive meal that is central piece of the celebration. You can also try to new classic recipes also explore some food option prior to planning your menu. On the ritual day of Christmas, everyone get pleasure the Christmas parties excessively with their family, relatives and close ones. The people enjoy the holidays by doing some activities as creating fun, playing numerous games, gossiping etc.

The most important part of the Christmas party and festival is Christmas party dinner that create the party amazingly unique. The event includes family gather and eats collectively. It also set out the dinner with traditional cloths on the table that marks high spirits and creates as comforting party atmosphere. The party can be also lighted with aromatic candles and incandescent bulbs. Just get lots of ideas about how to planning unique dinner for the party night to put much festive fervor.

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because it took a lot of energy to manufacture such trees

Choosing an Environmentally Friendly Christmas tree would surely be one good way to reduce your carbon footprint and eventually help save the environment. If you are considering putting up a tree in your home, here are some things that you might want to remember.

Artificial Christmas Trees

Artificial trees are considered as the most non-eco-friendly option, because it took a lot of energy to manufacture such trees (considering that they are usually made from plastics and other polymers). In this case, these trees would not be a very nice choice if you are trying to achieve an Environmentally Friendly Christmas, but there are some things you can do to somehow turn things around even if you would like to opt for this type of trees.

If you would still want to get an artificial tree for Christmas, make sure that it is of the best quality - one that is durable enough to last in the years to come. Pick one that you could still use the following Christmas (and maybe a few years more). Take note that you should also have a place where you can store the tree until next year so you can take advantage of its service life.

Cut Real Trees

Choosing real trees to be cut and sent to your home as part of your Christmas decorations might not be very good for the environment. Yes, it would make your house look and smell amazing, but it also means that the number of trees is starting to depreciate for every tree that is cut off. Unless you find a way to replace the trees that you would like to be cut, it might not be very wise to choose this type of Christmas tree if you are trying to find ways to help save the environment.

Living Trees

Trees that could still be planted and grow after the holiday season would probably do a great deal of help in achieving an Environmentally Friendly Christmas. Just make sure that you watch the temperature inside your house so that the tree could grow continuously after the holiday season ends.

How To Recycle Old Christmas Trees

If you still want to have cut real trees for Christmas, take note of some ways that you can make use of them once the Christmas season is over. One way is to take them to a recycling service that could turn the Christmas tree into a mulching material. Another way is to use the plant parts for other purposes, such as using them as firewood.

Remember that an Environmentally Friendly Christmas would go a long way in saving our planet, and being wary of your actions would help in achieving it. Switching to more eco-friendly means of decorating your home would require you to spend some time to think things through, but its effects would surely be beneficial for everyone.


No matter how much we vow to eat healthy during the holidays

Even if you are not a big candy eater, Christmas candy recipes are really welcomed during the holidays.

No matter how much we vow to eat healthy during the holidays, no matter how much we may swear off sweets, there is something quite wonderful about having at least a little bit of delicious Christmas candy now and then. It's not all year after all.

I love making just a few of my favorite Christmas candy recipes at the beginning of the season. It is a busy time of year, so it is always best to use quick and easy candy recipes and make them when you have a few minutes.

Make things that are easily stored, so you can make them ahead of when they will be most needed. Of course not too far ahead or they'll be sure to be gone by the big day.

These fantastic homemade Christmas candies will be such a hit at any event you host during the holidays. They are also a nice addition to a holiday dessert table with other Christmas desserts.

Almond Bark Candy

Almond bark is so easy to make! It has always been one of my favorite Christmas candy recipes.

You can vary the recipe to suit your taste. Don't like raisins? Simply leave them out. If you like peanuts or pecans rather than almonds, use them instead. Try half the recipe made with white chocolate and half made with regular chocolate.

1 pound of white or regular chocolate
1/2 cups of raisins
1/2 cup of almonds, chopped

Melt chocolate until smooth. Add raisins and almonds. Pour onto wax paper - this will be a fairly thin candy. Let cool, then break into pieces.

Tip: Try making the almond bark using 1/2 a pound of white chocolate and 1/2 a pound of dark chocolate and carefully stir them together with the end of a wooden spoon or some other utensil to marble your final product. Be careful though that you just mix it a bit or you will end up with tan colored almond bark.

Coconut Joys

Everyone seems to love coconut. This would be one of my mother's favorite Christmas candy recipes.

1/2 cup of butter or margarine
2 cups of powdered sugar
3 cups of shredded coconut
2 squares (1 ounce each) of unsweetened chocolate

In the top of a double boiler melt the margarine. Remove it from the heat. Add the sugar and coconut and mix well. Shape rounded teaspoonfuls of the coconut mixture into balls. Make a depression in the center of each ball and place it on a platter or cookie sheet. Set them aside. Melt chocolate in the top of a clean double boiler. Fill the centers of the coconut balls with melted chocolate and chill until firm.

Tip: You can also add color to the holidays by adding half of a candied cherry instead of the chocolate in the middle. Use half red cherries and half green for a really festive look

Rocky Road Fudge

Who doesn't love rocky road fudge? There is something about the mix of smooth chocolate, peanuts and sweet soft marshmallows that brings a smile to most faces.

you may also be able to negotiate with e-card providers.

One common way in which businesses like to reward customer loyalty is to give them 'a gift' for the Christmas period. In the past, this often came in the form of a free gift, discounts on certain products or even Christmas themed-events. Since the arrival of the internet, the traditional Christmas gift to customers has remained the same - a series of discounts, a code for 10% off or competitions.

While rewarding your customers over the Christmas period is essential in that it shows a real personal touch, these rewards can come at a great expense for your business - reduced profit margins through sales and giveaways, plus the costs involved in putting on events and holding competitions. This is particularly relevant to small businesses that rely on the Christmas period to survive. However, there is an inexpensive and easy way to thank your customers and wish them a Merry Christmas - Christmas e-cards.

Most people are familiar with what an e-card is; an electronic greetings card delivered directly to someone's email inbox on a scheduled date. Thousands of people have already replaced sending traditional physical cards with e-cards, including many businesses. These businesses range from tiny local shops to giant multinational corporations.

E-cards are a great way to send your customers Christmas greetings without compromising your profits. E-cards are relatively inexpensive - there are even free designs online, but most businesses will want to opt for the best quality e-cards so there will be some cost involved although the chances are it will be much less than other Christmas marketing schemes. This cost covers the design and the sending out of emails - most designers will bundle in more than enough address allowances to cover your needs. For especially large orders, you may also be able to negotiate with e-card providers.

But what are the benefits of sending corporate Christmas e-cards? For starters, you are sending your customers a personalised greeting, which is much more personal than some other Christmas marketing strategies. You can customise your e-cards with pictures, videos and text and can even customise according to your email list! Sending out personalised e-cards says to your customer than your business cares about them and values their loyalty - while at the same time saving your business some money.

E-cards can also be incorporated into any email marketing campaigns you may have running. For example, if you have no-one in the office over the Christmas period but still want to get an email out, you can schedule your e-card to be delivered on a certain date. This is especially useful if the email is going out on the week of Christmas, when most of your customers will be spending time with their families and won't have time to read a full email.

Some businesses actually have a mailing list for physical Christmas cards already - by switching to e-cards, you save on postage costs and the price of buying however many physical cards it is you need. This is also relevant for sending employees' Christmas cards. While a physical card is still to be encouraged in smaller businesses, if you have a large number of employees it just isn't viable to give them all a Christmas card. E-cards address this problem!

E-cards are also a great option if your business prides itself on its green credentials. As you aren't using any paper and not utilising a method of delivery that will require the use of vehicles, sending an e-card is environmentally-friendly and shows that you are dedicated to saving the environment - you can mention this on your e-card too if you wish!


Frosty the Snowman

Christmas is a magical tradition. Friends and family spend time together and make memories which are cherished by people of all ages. Christmas truly brings out the child in each one of us and this information was created to give you ideas to develop your own customs for the people you love to enjoy each year.

One of the original Xmas customs is putting ornaments on a Christmas tree. Putting up a tree can be dated back to the 1400s in Estonia. Religious men initially sang around the tree and then set it aflame in celebration. Other historical documents from that time speak of a small tree being decorated with dates and pretzels. The children would then eat the sweets on Xmas Day. This tradition is similar to our current practices. More recently families decorate a tree and leave gifts underneath. Father Christmas goes down the chimney and leaves gifts under the tree. Decorating a tree together with your family is a common tradition that people carry out every year. Make it your custom, by letting each member of the family put up their favorite decorations and make new ones each year.

One of the most universal Xmas traditions is putting a stocking above the hearth and receiving a gift placed inside. Kids from different countries uphold this tradition in different ways. Kids from France put their shoes near the fireplace. In Hungary, children polish their shoes and put them near a window or door. Kids in Puerto Rico have an even different way of carrying out this custom. They put greens and flowers in small containers underneath their beds to feed the Three King camels. Receiving a gift in a stocking has a magical quality. It is no wonder that this Xmas tradition is so widespread.

Another tradition that is always appreciated are the special treats. Each person has a preferred recipe that is only made once a year. Some deserts are only featured at Christmas like gingerbread men and fruit cake. Usually, families pass down recipes for their traditional foods so that each generation can carry on enjoying the treats. Like families, different places have diverse holiday fare. If you are from a country with its own customary holiday food, it is even better. You can include all of your customary holiday fare, and add some new ones to make your festivity unique to you. The easiest way to find a fantastic new Christmas recipe is to look online and experiment with a bunch of recipes. You will find a keeper that you can bake every year.

One of the most widespread Christmas things to do is carol Christmas Songs. Christmas carols are a favorite of one and all and it is easy to include them in your festivities. The first Xmas songs were sung as part of a Pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice which normally takes place on the Winter Solstice. Early followers of Christianity then embraced these customs but changed the lyrics to tell the story of Christianity. Our current Christmas carols originated in 18th Century England. During this time, musical church services and singing carols in the streets became trendy as well. These customs are still in practice today throughout the world. Some favorite carols include: Frosty the Snowman, Silent Night, and White Christmas.

Xmas is a magical annual celebration. By creating fresh customs, your family will come to appreciate Christmas even more. So pick out the tree with your loved ones, find a new Christmas recipe and Sing Xmas Songs with friends. Make Christmas the best time of year for yourself and loved ones!

in one way or the other

Each year on Christmas morning, when it is time to gather around the Christmas tree to open gifts, the first thing my children do is reach for their Christmas stockings. They cannot resist the fluffy red stocking lined with white fur that is stuffed to the brim with mysterious little gifts and candies. It is a wonderful tradition that has always been a big part of our family Christmas celebrations, as it is with many families, in one way or the other, across the world. How did the giving of a sock stuffed with goodies become such an integral part of Christmas to begin with?

In order to answer that question, I decided to do some research and I found that there are several possible stories behind the Christmas stocking. No one is exactly sure which story, if any, is true. However, the most accepted story entails a man whose wife had passed away and left him with three daughters to take care of. He was not a rich man and he was worried that even though his daughters were kind and gentle, they would never get married because he could not afford to pay their dowries.

One day St. Nicholas, also known as Saint Nicholas of Myra, was walking through town and overheard the townspeople talking about the mans dilemma with his three daughters. St. Nicholas wanted to help but he knew that the man would never willingly accept money from him. So he waited until it was dark and went to the mans home and dropped three bags of gold down the chimney, one for each girl.

It just so happened that the girls had washed their laundry that evening and had hung their stockings by the fireplace to dry. When St. Nicholas dropped the bags of gold down the chimney they landed in the girls stockings. When the girls woke up the next morning and went to get their stockings they discovered more than enough gold to pay for each of their dowries. Each girl then got married and lived happily ever after. Once word spread of how the girls had found gold in their stockings, everyone started hanging their stockings by the fireplace in hopes that they would be as fortunate.

While we do not hang our laundered stockings or socks by the chimney to dry, most of us do honor the Christmas tradition of hanging a stocking on Christmas Eve. The biggest difference is that now our stockings are made in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures and they are made especially for use as Christmas stockings. Instead of putting gold in the stockings, we put special gifts in them. If we are really bad during the year, we might just get a lump of coal instead of gifts.

I am intrigued by the fact that what may be an old wives tale could create such a wonderful tradition as Christmas stockings. The story of the father and his three daughters started a tradition that is now as much a part of Christmas as Santa himself. Christmas just would not be the same without Christmas stockings.


decorated Christmas trees became widely popular in England and the United States.

There was a period of time when Christmas trees were shunned by conservative Christians as idolatry. In Puritan America, Christmas trees were not welcome in Christmas celebrations. In England, decorated trees and Christmas carols were banned completely. Fortunately, these days didn't last for too long. In the mid-1800's, Queen Victoria of England and her royal family were photographed in front of their decorated family Christmas tree and the picture appeared in the London News. From then on, decorated Christmas trees became widely popular in England and the United States.

The tradition of decorating evergreen trees at Christmastime has certainly evolved from the early historical accounts, but one thing remains the same. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree is still an inspiring sight enjoyed by all that puts us in the holiday spirit each year.


Christmas Tree Tip #4

Before you select the perfect Christmas tree, consider a little planning to make room for your special guest. Choose the best area in your room for the tree, which would include a spot that is close to an electrical outlet. When you plug in your lights, you won want a cord running along your floor, which could cause someone to trip and fall. There are so many things to think about when choosing a tree to celebrate your holidays. Do I want real or artificial? Should I buy pre-lit or plain? A few knowledgeable tips will guide you in the right direction.

Christmas Tree Tip #1: Artificial or Real

The first step is to decide whether you want a real or artificial tree. An artificial tree is beneficial to anyone who has allergies, but also if you just want to know that your tree will last for years. Artificial trees are nice because they do not have to be thrown out every year and they are always the same size and a perfect fit. On the other hand, there nothing like the smell of a real Christmas tree. With real trees, there is a greater risk of fire and also the need to keep them hydrated regularly. A real Christmas tree requires a lot of maintenance and, if youe not up to it, an artificial may be the way to go.

Christmas Tree Tip #2: Will It Fit?

When selecting the perfect Christmas tree, choose one that will fit best in your home. Measure the spot for your tree before you go out shopping and keep those numbers close at hand. After you select an area in your home, measure the distance from your floor to the roof, along with the width of the space. Take a tape measure when you go to pick out your tree and make sure it will fit in the spot you chose.

Christmas Tree Tip #3: Is It Healthy?

If youe looking for a live tree, check the limbs to make sure they are nice and green. Also, look for any brown needles, which may be a sign of a tree that has not been freshly cut. A tree that is too dry could be a fire hazard, so watch out for any signs of needle loss or other symptoms of a damaged tree. You will want to choose one that looks healthy and full with beautiful branches, which will look festive when decorated. If youe planning to load the tree onto your car, place a protective sheet down on the top before adding the tree. This will protect your car from scratches, or sap, on the way home. Make sure that you choose a strong rope to secure the tree to your car.

Christmas Tree Tip #4: Picking the Right Color

If you are buying a real tree, they only come in one color. But, if you are buying an artificial tree, you have the alternate option of white. While white Christmas trees are not as traditional as the green, there is something to be said for their beauty. Consider a white tree with blue lights, blue ornaments and white garland. A white Christmas tree is classic and stunning, especially with the right combination of decorations.

Christmas Tree Tip #5: Prelit or Plain?

Another advantage to artificial trees is that they are available in pre-lit designs. This saves decorating time and ensures that the lights are always perfectly spaced. Additionally, if you don feel up to wrapping the lights around the tree yourself, a pre-lit tree allows you to enjoy the beauty of Christmas without the work of decorating.